Crowdfunding Spotlight: Greebo miniatures Hand of death on Indiegogo

I’ve mentioned Greebo miniatures before on here, and just thought I’d highlight their latest campaign.

The Hand of Death, mainly being composed of Rats and Turtles for use in fantasy football type games, are lovely little figures, heavily influenced by TMNT, but for me that indeed is a bonus. I’ve always loved all things Ninja turtles, and still do, so I was always going to love these minis. Even so they are intended for bloodbowl-esque games, there seems to be plenty of options for use with other styles of gaming, and some don’t need any adaption whatsoever.

I am a bit gutted that I don’t have cash available to get hold of some of these great figures, and am loving the Oni (above) even the eastern goblins are really good as well! Damn you greebo, for putting this on Indiegogo, at least I might have had a chance to get involved if it had been a KS!

You can check out all the options by going clicky on the link below!!

Hand of death – Rats and Turtles miniatures set | Indiegogo.

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