Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the big screen again!!

http://youtu.be/nCjsWpM9zFU As you well know from regular reading of this blog, I like the TMNT franchise, well parts of it, always have since the days of the old palladium RPG (which is how I got into it in the first place) So other turtles fans will be pleased to hear that the new movie is… Continue reading Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the big screen again!!

Crowdfunding Spotlight: Greebo miniatures Hand of death on Indiegogo

I've mentioned Greebo miniatures before on here, and just thought I'd highlight their latest campaign. The Hand of Death, mainly being composed of Rats and Turtles for use in fantasy football type games, are lovely little figures, heavily influenced by TMNT, but for me that indeed is a bonus. I've always loved all things Ninja… Continue reading Crowdfunding Spotlight: Greebo miniatures Hand of death on Indiegogo

Impact! Miniatures Australian Animals Fantasy Football Team Kickstarter

G'day mates! Back in the day when I used to play the Palladium RPG TMNT (teenage mutant ninja turtles as I'm sure your aware!) there was a supplement about the mutants creatures of Australia "Mutants of Oz" I think it was called, well that was my first thought when I saw these little beauties! Although… Continue reading Impact! Miniatures Australian Animals Fantasy Football Team Kickstarter